How to Treat Dry Mouth

treating dry mouth dentist in Littleton CO

In our previous blog, we looked at some of the common causes of dry mouth. Continuing our discussion, we would like to go over some ways to treat dry mouth. It is important to treat dry mouth as it can lead to more serious problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. We would like to go over some of the activities that can help fight against this common dental health issue.

Tips for treating dry mouth:

  • Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day
  • Practice proper dental hygiene
  • Visit the dentist on a regular basis
  • Chew sugarless gum (the act of chewing will help increase saliva flow)
  • Use a humidifier at night

treating dry mouth dentist in Littleton CO

Be sure to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nichols in Littleton, CO if you are experiencing dry mouth and cannot find relief.